2007~2010,During this period, Cheng Yajie produced a series of portrait oil paintings including Midsummer, Looking at the Full Moon, Missing One Far Away, Spring Flower, Autumn Fruit, Time of the Poetry, Peony Red, Whispering, Elegance and Heart Lock. Aestheticism has always been one of the themes of his paintings which reveal the beauty of Orient, the individualism pursuit of humanism in the Western aesthetics as well as the fashion of modern art.
Looking at the Full Moon, Missing One Far Away portrays a beauty, with her head lowered and a hint of smile, whose hand motion exposes the secret of her heart. The plump beauty with warm eyes in the oil painting Spring Flower, Autumn Fruit puts her hand onto the back of the chair with a revelation of anticipation. The "person" and "objects" in the background imply the theme of this painting. Midsummer portrays the profile of the beauty who is slightly bashful with a significant smile. Her motion reveals the inner restlessness and anticipation, which implies the hotness of midsummer and voices the aspiration of the beauty.
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