This self-portrait is named "Cradle of Life and Art". The theme of Nietzschean philosophy is about the meaning of life. And Cheng Yajie's answer to this question is that "Save life with art, and endow it with aesthetics". Nietzschean philosophy has left a great impact on Cheng Yajie's art. In the early 21st century, his paintings showed existentialism and postmodernism. His art style was closely related to Nietzsche, the founder of modern Western philosophy and a prominent poet and essayist, whose writing style was unique with the technique of maxims and paradox. In the Autumn of 1868, Nietzsche made the acquaintance of the great musician Wilhelm Richard Wagner whom he had admired for a long time in his sister's home in Leipzig. They talked about their favorite Schopenhauer's philosophy. In the later years, Wagner and his wife became mentors of Nietzsche in the aspects of art and sense. Additionally, both literature and music also deeply rooted in Cheng Yajie's artistic thoughts and works. In the aspect of technique, this self-portrait with imposing brushwork and style is a milestone of his sketches works, delicately depicting the artist's eyes and hands with perfect effect of light and shade, which reveals master's demeanor, sagacious and abstruse inner world as well as modest attitude towards life.
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